It is quite obvious that video editing of the raw FPV footage goes along with loss of quality due to de- and re-compression inside the video editing software. In addition the conversion of the video files at YouTube even further reduces quality. I am somewhat able to fight against that with tricky conversion steps using AVISYNTH. However, from time to time the question arises whether a genuine piece of footage (directly form the ground DVR) is available. Therefore I will provide two vesions of my latest park crawling video - a YouTube upload and a download link for the raw video.
A remark on the black bars on top and below the video: Although analog video is expected to have an aspect ratio of 4:3 the best-resolution-setting with all Japan-FPV DVR compatible devices delivers a 3:2 aspect ratio (720 x 480). That's the reason why the footage does not cover the full area. It remains a little bit horizontally streched.
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